We have put together a series of videos to address some of the things we believe you should know. So grab a cuppa whatever you enjoy most, watch some of the videos below, maybe check out a couple posts on our blog, and when you are ready, contact us! We are happy to walk through the mortgage process with you!
Or click this button to jump below and hear what some kind people have said about working with the Home Happy Team!
Or maybe you're more of a reader -we've got you covered as well! Feel free to explore some of the resources that we have for you.
When buying your First Home, looking to Refinance or move to another home, it’s tough to know who to turn to for decent, objective advice. The HomeHappy Team is here to help.
Most Canadians have debt of one kind or another, yet many live in denial or are unsure how to make things better. That’s where the HomeHappy Team comes in…we can show you ways to use your hard earned equity to payout all of your debt and pay it all off sooner!
Mike Lloyd reviews what $50k in renos looks like, what it can do to your home value and how to finance it on a purchase.
Mike Lloyd discusses Real Life Finance and 'What you should have been taught in school'
Mike Lloyd discussing Financial Options for Seniors...
Tony Spagnuolo discusses How to Read a Title Search
Tony Spagnuolo talks about the Importance of a Title Search
What is a MIC? - Guest Interview with Martina East from Cambridge MIC
Blake discusses his history of dealing with the HomeHappy team
Nicole talks about her HomeHappy experiences…
Our client long term Sandra talks about dealing with the HomeHappy team…